Downing Street put the brakes on Home Office initiatives to allow a bigger share of Ukrainians fleeing their homeland to settle in the United Kingdom, Sky News understands. Home Secretary Priti Patel faced significant criticism this week from colleagues for failing to provide more routes for Ukrainians to reach the UK, prompting anger among Conservative
The United States has hit back at Russian claims after Moscow said it has evidence of a Ukrainian network of 30 biological laboratories which were supported by America in a suspected military programme. The Biden administration accused Russia of using the UN Security Council to promote disinformation. The Russian ambassador to the UN said the
A Russian-born poet and Instagram favourite who fled the country after her father was murdered has called for Vladimir Putin to be arrested and tried for war crimes. Arch Hades, a pseudonym she uses for security reasons, told Sky News the bombardment of Ukraine was “abhorrent” and insisted most Russians oppose “Putin’s war”. The 29-year-old,
North Korea’s latest launches appear aimed at developing and testing technology that can be used both for spy satellites and in a massive intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of launching multiple nuclear warheads, analysts said. North Korea deployed a new ICBM system in February 27 and March 5 test-firings, the US and South Korean officials
A Los Angeles-area startup founded by a veteran spaceflight robotics engineer unveiled on Thursday its full-scale, working prototype for a next-generation lunar rover that is just as fast as NASA’s old “moon buggy” but is designed to do much more. The company, Venturi Astrolab, released photos and video showing its Flexible Logistics and Exploration (FLEX)
I know, I know. The whole “Don’t like gas prices? Ride a bike!” sounds annoying and feels impractical for most people. But if you weren’t already aware, there’s a much more practical alternative to conventional pedal bikes: fun and energy-efficient electric bikes! Now more than ever, with gas prices rising steeply and uncertain fuel prospects
Foreign Secretary Liz Truss says the UK will impose new powers to prevent Russian banks from clearing payments in sterling, and has announced a full asset freeze will be brought in on all Russian banks within days. For the latest developments: SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: Follow us on Twitter: